Resources in French to help support the francophone community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click on the links to access the information of your choice in French:
General Information (redirects to French language content) :
Ontario Governement website on COVID-19
Federal governement website on COVID-19
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Travel restrictions and exemptions
How to access help during COVID-19 : Financial support, mental health, food services, see how 211 Ontario can help you find support during the pandemic.
Local Social and Health-Related Support (redirects to French language content) :
The Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton/Niagara offers fun and educational activities remotely to manage your overall health during the pandemic. Discover their programming on their website and Facebook page.
Soutien des ainés à Cambridge / WoW program in Cambridge (program of remote social and educational activities for seniors).
Support offered by Niagara Parents : reliable support and advice regarding pregnancy, mental health issues for parents and children, growth and development, parenting (parents of children 0-18) and community support services
Niagara Youth Wellness Hub : During the pandemic, the hub offers online support and programs for youth aged 12 to 25.
Supporting your community during the COVID-19 pandemic : The Spark Ontario (Élan Ontario) website allows you to find volunteer opportunities (as an individual) or share volunteer opportunities (if you are an organization) to get involved and help those affected by COVID-19.
Online Support Resources for Mental and Physical Health (redirects to French language content) :
YMCA at Home / YMCA chez vous : Virtual physical activity in French for children aged 5 to 9.
Bounce Back / Retrouver son entrain : self-guided mental health support for adults and youth 15 and over.
Kids Help Phone / Jeunesse J'écoute: this Canada-wide service offers 24/7 professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French. Call or text 1-800-668-6868.
Good 2 Talk / Allo J’écoute : a free, confidential service for post-secondary students in Ontario, available 24/7/365.
Wellness Together Canada / Espace mieux-être Canada : A web portal to get mental health and substance use support.
School Mental Health Ontario / Santé mentale en milieu scolaire Ontario : Tips and resources to help to support student mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.